People say...

I really wanted to say an immense thank you from the heart: for having taught me such profound things in a simple and direct way, both as a teacher and as an actor, for putting me in crisis and at the same time showing the way on how to get out.  They were the most beautiful courses I have ever done since I do theatrical improvisation!

~ Emanuele

I just wanted to thank you very much for the teachings you gave us during these two days of workshops. Inside me it is as if a seed had begun to sprout, especially after the final exercise. I managed to unlock myself on an aspect that I felt stuck in me and I really wanted to thank you.

Valentino 🙂

I definitely consider you as one of the most influential teachers I ever had.

Her teaching style is nice and relaxed

Hila is a passionate person and an insightful teacher  and I would recommend her workshop any day!

 As a teacher, Hila makes you work hard and also study each other, while never losing her friendly nature and openness to fun!


Throughout my improv experience I always had a feeling that I was not good enough, that my partners are not happy with my performance, that my ideas for scene initialization wouldn’t get proper support. Each show would leave me doubting my actions and impulses on the stage. I never was able to give it a proper name to address it and find ways to deal with it. And then I had the privilege of participating in”Hang your Judge” workshop. Now I am aware of my Judge.( He always was there, pulling me back, keeping my heels glued to the ground). The workshop didn’t kill my judge,( because there is no way of getting rid of him), but it showed me techniques to keep him quite silent, methods to prioritize processes in my brain. I use the learnt exercises during my rehearsals and in pre-show warm-ups. Right now I with absolute confidence can say that workshop worked magic on me. My brain is sharp and keeps its full focus on the things happening on the stage and not on the little figurine of my judge who is constantly criticizing me. I have little to no doubts in my actions, I pay attention to my partners and I have confidence initializing scenes.

 Boris Ka – Finland (FiiF2016)

“Hang your judge” workshop

Hang Your Judge workshop,  was fabulous.

I very much enjoyed the workshop. Facing your inner judge can be a difficult process, however in the workshop Hila made me feel closer to my fellow workshop participants. We all felt as if we were really in the same improv boat despite how much experience we already had under our belts. I felt more tolerant and empathetic towards the other participants which was a great feeling.

I particularly enjoyed the personal Association round, and use this in my workshops now as well. Associating with personal experiences, even if it is just a word, always brings the necessary realness to a group and i find it increases the empathy, curiosity, and tolerance of a group.

not to mention the importance of this realness in scenes which this of course leads too….

the strongest this I took from the workshop is the idea that our own personal views, experiences, and fears are what make us special and make us fantastic improvisers….”YOU are interesting. Make it about you. Be.

**Jodi pfleghar

This three-hour intensive class delved into and then tore apart the way we are programmed from childhood by society to think of gender in a certain way – boys should wear blue and be powerful, while girls should wear pink and be gentle.

I have taken this insight and these revelations with me and use them in my improv to this day.

**veronica stivala Malta (FiiF2016)

“Gender Laboratory” workshop

This workshop gives you tools for playing different genders on the stage, making them more realistic and interesting. It makes you think and challenge the status quo.”

**Timo  Zarvik Talvik (Tilt 2016)

In Hilas workshop I learned something I knew, but never really focused on. She made me think about how I perform and teach improv and also about my own relationship in perspective of genders. I started to question ideas I had about male and female genders. Hilas workshop isn’t just about, how to play an opposite gender, but to really understand, why we think the way we think and where we get our understandings. 

** Rouno Meronen Estonia

“Gender Laboratory” workshop

This was such an inspiring moment for both myself and my group! Hila’s character arc workshop gives you a structured method of approaching something every improviser has touched upon but is sometimes hard to grasp. As a teacher, Hila makes you work hard and also study each other, while never losing her friendly nature and openness to fun! We definitely recommend every improviser to take this workshop.

Ben verhoeven , Swaajp improtheatre, Belguim 2018

An improviser is writing, re-writing, and performing at the same time.” Hila di Castro taught me when and how to do which of those things, and that they needn’t be complicated! 

Hila’s approach to improv is human, down-to-earth and concrete. She stays away from intricate theories, or abstract notions. In stead, she provides the improviser with a clear and easy approach to constructing a compelling story. 

Rather than relying on being responsive to the situation (improv 101, right?) she puts the responsibilty and ownership of a character arc right in the hands of the player themself. How can You make your character develop? The answer is a simple mantra: ‘Be initiative!’

The workshop starts off with some seemingly innocent little games, which turn out to be an important metaphor throughout the workshop.

She keeps her theoretic points simple and short, preferring learning by doing. Through a progression of exercises, she reminds us of the points she’s making, adding details and nuances only when the become relevant. At each step, she makes us feel comfortable and competent, before kicking it up a notch. Sometimes she will make us redo an exercises, giving just a few pointers or reminders. The effect is immediate.

Along the way, she shares her thoughts, relating her knowledge and experience beautifully to the players’ preformances.

Hila has us put theory into practice as soon as she can, employing eye-opening exercises. Her open-heartedness establishes a safe environment, where trying out new things and making mistakes is a nothing but a pleasant experience. She goes beyond merely ‘understanding’ the material, helping each indivual player go home proficiently. 

Finally, I just love her positivity. Hila keeps encouraging us to go for it, throughout the workshop, and it comes right from her heart. Her eyes twinkling with inspiration give us the feeling that she is a close friend, sincerely wanting us to succeed.

 Han van der Ven, Belgium.

“Character arc in a long form” workshop

First of all thank you so much for the inspiring workshop! It was realy useful for the stage I am in right now. This was exactly what I needed.
I must even say it was the best Improv workshop I’ve ever had.
I felt that way right afther the workshop and also in the days/weeks later. I still do. That must mean something!
It was a perfect  balance between theory and hands-on trying it out

Jasper Sleurs, Belguim

“Character arc in a long form” workshop


“The character’s arch” is highly recommended to who is interested in exploring storytelling from a different point of view, based not on usual schemes of acts and turning points, but on the character’s evolution.
It is often said that “every story is the story of relations”, good characters make good relations, therefore good stories. The final result are compelling narrations and a strengthened knowledge of how to make your characters work.
Hila will tell you “not to drop your baby”, to state your goal out loud, and other things that will come together and help you, gradually, as you play.
Don’t miss this workshop!

Pierpaolo, Italy 2018


The workshops I took were very concentrated and full with usefull exercises and advices I keep on using months after.  Hila has developed her own improv philosophy and this is what you get in her classes – how and why to do it, not just compilation of good exercises about a topic. During couple of hours she introduced us with the topic and in the end we had a solid performance – very inspiring! I am looking forward to meet her again because after 3 workshops it feels like she has a lot more to give.
There was a situation when she gave me individual feedback about stage behavior I have not noticed for years.
I keep on silencing my inner judge and telling him what to do. Not the other way around 😀

Uldis, Riga Latvia 2018


I love inspiring people who share their energy and passions, who are in love with what they do, who care about results. Empathetic people who care about others and are ready to support. thank you  Hila

Dina, Russia



I really wanted to say an immense thank you from the heart: for having taught me such profound things in a simple and direct way, both as a teacher and as an actor, for putting me in crisis and at the same time showing the way on how to get out.  They were the most beautiful courses I have ever done since I do theatrical improvisation!

~ Emanuele

I just wanted to thank you very much for the teachings you gave us during these two days of workshops. Inside me it is as if a seed had begun to sprout, especially after the final exercise. I managed to unlock myself on an aspect that I felt stuck in me and I really wanted to thank you.

Valentino 🙂

I definitely consider you as one of the most influential teachers I ever had.

Her teaching style is nice and relaxed

Hila is a passionate person and an insightful teacher  and I would recommend her workshop any day!

 As a teacher, Hila makes you work hard and also study each other, while never losing her friendly nature and openness to fun!


Throughout my improv experience I always had a feeling that I was not good enough, that my partners are not happy with my performance, that my ideas for scene initialization wouldn’t get proper support. Each show would leave me doubting my actions and impulses on the stage. I never was able to give it a proper name to address it and find ways to deal with it. And then I had the privilege of participating in”Hang your Judge” workshop. Now I am aware of my Judge.( He always was there, pulling me back, keeping my heels glued to the ground). The workshop didn’t kill my judge,( because there is no way of getting rid of him), but it showed me techniques to keep him quite silent, methods to prioritize processes in my brain. I use the learnt exercises during my rehearsals and in pre-show warm-ups. Right now I with absolute confidence can say that workshop worked magic on me. My brain is sharp and keeps its full focus on the things happening on the stage and not on the little figurine of my judge who is constantly criticizing me. I have little to no doubts in my actions, I pay attention to my partners and I have confidence initializing scenes.

 Boris Ka – Finland (FiiF2016)

“Hang your judge” workshop

Hang Your Judge workshop,  was fabulous.

I very much enjoyed the workshop. Facing your inner judge can be a difficult process, however in the workshop Hila made me feel closer to my fellow workshop participants. We all felt as if we were really in the same improv boat despite how much experience we already had under our belts. I felt more tolerant and empathetic towards the other participants which was a great feeling.

I particularly enjoyed the personal Association round, and use this in my workshops now as well. Associating with personal experiences, even if it is just a word, always brings the necessary realness to a group and i find it increases the empathy, curiosity, and tolerance of a group.

not to mention the importance of this realness in scenes which this of course leads too….

the strongest this I took from the workshop is the idea that our own personal views, experiences, and fears are what make us special and make us fantastic improvisers….”YOU are interesting. Make it about you. Be.

**Jodi pfleghar

This three-hour intensive class delved into and then tore apart the way we are programmed from childhood by society to think of gender in a certain way – boys should wear blue and be powerful, while girls should wear pink and be gentle.

I have taken this insight and these revelations with me and use them in my improv to this day.

**veronica stivala Malta (FiiF2016)

“Gender Laboratory” workshop

This workshop gives you tools for playing different genders on the stage, making them more realistic and interesting. It makes you think and challenge the status quo.”

**Timo  Zarvik Talvik (Tilt 2016)

In Hilas workshop I learned something I knew, but never really focused on. She made me think about how I perform and teach improv and also about my own relationship in perspective of genders. I started to question ideas I had about male and female genders. Hilas workshop isn’t just about, how to play an opposite gender, but to really understand, why we think the way we think and where we get our understandings. 

** Rouno Meronen Estonia

“Gender Laboratory” workshop

This was such an inspiring moment for both myself and my group! Hila’s character arc workshop gives you a structured method of approaching something every improviser has touched upon but is sometimes hard to grasp. As a teacher, Hila makes you work hard and also study each other, while never losing her friendly nature and openness to fun! We definitely recommend every improviser to take this workshop.

Ben verhoeven , Swaajp improtheatre, Belguim 2018

An improviser is writing, re-writing, and performing at the same time.” Hila di Castro taught me when and how to do which of those things, and that they needn’t be complicated! 

Hila’s approach to improv is human, down-to-earth and concrete. She stays away from intricate theories, or abstract notions. In stead, she provides the improviser with a clear and easy approach to constructing a compelling story. 

Rather than relying on being responsive to the situation (improv 101, right?) she puts the responsibilty and ownership of a character arc right in the hands of the player themself. How can You make your character develop? The answer is a simple mantra: ‘Be initiative!’

The workshop starts off with some seemingly innocent little games, which turn out to be an important metaphor throughout the workshop.

She keeps her theoretic points simple and short, preferring learning by doing. Through a progression of exercises, she reminds us of the points she’s making, adding details and nuances only when the become relevant. At each step, she makes us feel comfortable and competent, before kicking it up a notch. Sometimes she will make us redo an exercises, giving just a few pointers or reminders. The effect is immediate.

Along the way, she shares her thoughts, relating her knowledge and experience beautifully to the players’ preformances.

Hila has us put theory into practice as soon as she can, employing eye-opening exercises. Her open-heartedness establishes a safe environment, where trying out new things and making mistakes is a nothing but a pleasant experience. She goes beyond merely ‘understanding’ the material, helping each indivual player go home proficiently. 

Finally, I just love her positivity. Hila keeps encouraging us to go for it, throughout the workshop, and it comes right from her heart. Her eyes twinkling with inspiration give us the feeling that she is a close friend, sincerely wanting us to succeed.

 Han van der Ven, Belgium.

“Character arc in a long form” workshop

First of all thank you so much for the inspiring workshop! It was realy useful for the stage I am in right now. This was exactly what I needed.
I must even say it was the best Improv workshop I’ve ever had.
I felt that way right afther the workshop and also in the days/weeks later. I still do. That must mean something!
It was a perfect  balance between theory and hands-on trying it out

Jasper Sleurs, Belguim

“Character arc in a long form” workshop


“The character’s arch” is highly recommended to who is interested in exploring storytelling from a different point of view, based not on usual schemes of acts and turning points, but on the character’s evolution.
It is often said that “every story is the story of relations”, good characters make good relations, therefore good stories. The final result are compelling narrations and a strengthened knowledge of how to make your characters work.
Hila will tell you “not to drop your baby”, to state your goal out loud, and other things that will come together and help you, gradually, as you play.
Don’t miss this workshop!

Pierpaolo, Italy 2018


The workshops I took were very concentrated and full with usefull exercises and advices I keep on using months after.  Hila has developed her own improv philosophy and this is what you get in her classes – how and why to do it, not just compilation of good exercises about a topic. During couple of hours she introduced us with the topic and in the end we had a solid performance – very inspiring! I am looking forward to meet her again because after 3 workshops it feels like she has a lot more to give.
There was a situation when she gave me individual feedback about stage behavior I have not noticed for years.
I keep on silencing my inner judge and telling him what to do. Not the other way around 😀

Uldis, Riga Latvia 2018


I love inspiring people who share their energy and passions, who are in love with what they do, who care about results. Empathetic people who care about others and are ready to support. thank you  Hila

Dina, Russia